Fair Trade BIO licor from Peru

Licor Factory in Lima:

Cooperativa Agraria Norandino Ltda (Norandino) is a cooperative active in the processing, commercialization and export of coffee, cocoa and panela. Norandino took over the activities of an earlier cooperative, CEPICAFE, on 1 January 2013.

Norandino operates in several departments across Peru. It assists its members, small-scale agricultural producers, in all stages of the production process. By way of example, for the earlier stages it offers loans in kind, (fertilizer for instance).

For the harvest stage, it offers loans as advances to enable the farmers to carry out harvesting activities. It has a large processing facility in Piura, which it uses to process its members' coffee, but which it also offers to many other organizations for their use.

Very importantly, it assists its members with marketing, helping them with various certification schemes, so that they can access the organic, fair trade, specialty and sustainable international markets.

It also offers training, and has held an 'alternative tourism' project in the small town of Montero as a means of responsible tourism, with producers and other local people acting as guides. This model of tourism supports social projects, such as women's weaving associations, and ecological projects such as reforestation

Noradino has around 7.000 members of which more than 1500 produce cacao. The new chocolate plant will produce 1500 MT of chocolate and licor and this will benfit the producers of Piura, Tumbes, Cajamarca, Amazonas y San Martin.

We have started construction of the factory as of now (2016)

The investment looks as follows:

Ethiquable: 50,000

Equal Exchange: 50,000

Fundación Doen: 225,000 (through Chocolatemakers NL)

PSI de Holanda: 425,000

Rabobank: 1’000,000 (crédito)

Cooperativa Norandino: 1’750,000

Inversión Total: 3`500,000 Euros

News from 2019: The factory has been constructed and the equipment is being installed and tested. We expect the first chocolate batches to be produced in April 2019. The project is going to be larger. Production will go from 200MT to 1.000 MT per annum (year 5).

Update 2022. Production is well underway and the quality of the licor is considered being of very high quality and it sold all over Europe.  Of course they also supply Chocolatemakers in Amsterdam.

If you want to read more about NORANDINO: https://coopcoffees.coop/norandino/

If you want to read more about CHOCOLATEMAKERS: https://chocolatemakers.nl/

Chocofart : Twice a year fanatic German bikers ride all the way to Chocolatemakers in Amsterdam and load up 18.000 kg of chocolate in their cargogbikes. and drive all the way back to Germany to deliver this special chocolate to 120 stores!  If you want to know more:

Sailingship TRES HOMBRES: Since 2012, The Tres Hombres, sails big loads of cocoa to the chocolate factory of Chocolatemakers in Amsterdam. Again, this year it took them 3 months sailing or 13.822 seamiles to deliver transport cocoa beans from The Dominican Republic to Amsterdam. Have a look at their site if you want to read more:

Related Projects: Cadmium Peru

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